Monday, May 1, 2017

My Call to Serve 🖤

This week was so full of so much! Many miracles, inspiration, awesome discussions, and answers (: 
I wanted to work on humility, well... it was really cool! We met this man while out walking and he wanted to learn more! It was almost too easy - not super common - we set up to teach him the next night. He really was searching for truth and the way he asked questions and talked with us struck something inside me to see someone sincerely searching and who was humbly doing his part to know. He had read from the Book of Mormon we gave him, highlighted part of the introduction, and started gaining a testimony of it! The next day, he even sent us an email with questions about the Book of Mormon (I learned so much from it!) the only catch is he moved out on Saturday and we're not sure where to.. but it was an incredibly humbling experience for me to see this example of having a "broken heart and a contrite spirit" in words and action. 
There were just so many little things that connected and were like signs from above saying "you're doing the right thing" this week. I still have doubts, I still lack a lot of confidence in myself, I have a ton of imperfections BUT I'm trying. And I'm taking in all I can from these experiences (: 
"7 ​But a commandment I give unto you, that ye shall declare whatsoever thing ye ​​​declare​ in my name, in solemnity of heart, in the spirit of meekness, in all things.
​​​​​8 ​And I give unto you this promise, that inasmuch as ye do this the ​​​Holy Ghost​ shall be shed forth in bearing record unto all things whatsoever ye shall say." (D&C 100:7-8). I hope to become the missionary Heavenly Father needs me to be. To be able to teach the gospel with meekness and show humility in my actions. Then to feel the Holy Ghost working through me to others and building their faith in Christ and His gospel. (:
We'll see what this next week brings!
Other experiences of the past week:
Missionaries know everything (: and somehow get involved in everything! (Ex: fashion show, singing at a celebration of life, giving talks in church, quilting, preparing a house for a new baby! TEACHING THE GOSPEL, romances between members, meetings, waving and smiling to everyone, etc) all included in the work! Each week we go out and do the same thing but each week is also very different from the last. I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have to serve!
Thank you for each of your prayers, support, and examples!
Happy May!
I love you!

~Sister Warburton(:
Our time to SERVE
 Hey Oregon!
 Oregon in a pic
Planning in the park
Pixie Jars! 


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