Monday, May 8, 2017

Ah! The Harvest has exploded

This place is exploding with people to teach! It was such a crazy week with so many crazy stories and just... ah!
We had so many good lessons and so many awesome people we are teaching! Each with an awesome story! We are at the top of our game right now (: Tuesday, we had a lesson with this lady who lives next to the old ward mission leader and he went over with us the previous week and got out of his comfort zone to ask if she would take the lessons from us! Yes! Awesome stuff going on there (:
We also stopped by Ariel and oh my heck I love her so much! She's a young mom and since we've stopped by a few times she says it brightens her day and reminds her to keep her faith. Things started to go better for her and we have officially started teaching her and ah! She's amazing! We taught her one night and she was taking notes and everything we taught her was just clicking! We left her the Book of Mormon to read the introduction - the next day we go back and it is completely marked and covered with writing and questions! It was AWESOME! Oh my goodness Willamina is just exploding with people to teach!
There's more: Saturday we had exchanges and Hermana Stockett came to Willamina with me! We came out almost a year ago together and she's seriously so awesome! Hahah so much happened during this exchange but the highlight was after this crazy experience happened we checked the phone and had a voicemail from a member that said... "okay you girls, we've got this man here who wants to be baptized and take the lessons" ... what?! We called, got the address, went over and yeah this man wants to be baptized! He's got some addictions he will need to quit before he gets baptized but he's already working on it and is having success! 
This is just all so crazy! "Here these sisters are working hard let's give them tons of people all at once who's been prepared and ready" (thoughts written down) does this mean I'm doing something right as a missionary? (; I know this is all from God! There is just so much goodness and miracles going on! My faith has been strengthened so much and I'm learning so much as I teach! I love the service I get to do and all the love I feel! 
I LOVE you all! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY this weekend!! Thank you to all the mothers and especially to my MOM! She's the reason I'm on a mission and for all the incredible experiences and the AMAZING life I have (: LOVE YOU MOM!

~Sister Warburton(:

"Therefore let your ​​​light​ so shine before this people, that they may see your good works and ​​​glorify​ your Father who is in heaven." 3 Nephi 12:16
Two cute girls we played with last week colored this for us!
Hermana Stockett! Love her!
Birthday picture with President and Sister Tateoka!

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