Monday, January 2, 2017

HAPPY 2017🎉

I'm so grateful for this past year! I'm so grateful to be a missionary for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! I love this gospel (:
It's crazy! We have our hard times. The world we live in is NOT easy! We've had to face people who had anti-Mormon information and SO many awkward situations - really that day was just all weird! BUT I've been so HAPPY! Everything is hard - so much stress and responsibility BUT there is fun in the work and excitement in the little things! I feel I have purpose and I'm doing something right! I know I belong (: 
We've met SO many people this past week! Some super nice and others not so.. It's weird - I've also been very interested in reading into history of the church and early saints and I'm LOVING it! I'm learning so much from the prophet Joseph Smith, the translation, establishing the church - I'm having an obsession on all history of the church - I NEVER thought I would be interested in knowing! I just want to read everything! And! The Book of Mormon is the BEST! 
Prayers answered: Ive just realized why I've been really into reading about church history - it's an answer to prayer - again we met some people who were very bold in telling us some incorrect stuff about the church - it hurts! But because of everything I've been studying It's helped strengthen my testimony from what could have been a little shaky after talking to those people to a firm testimony. I know Joseph Smith was a prophet. I'm grateful for the Holy Ghost's witness to me of the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 
New Year's Eve ~ we had to be in early and we watched church movies (: the last moments of 2016 were good! Hello to a NEW YEAR! Hello to 2017! 
I would LOVE to hear from you! (who even reads these?;) and to hear your stories (:
Love you! And have an amazing week!

~Sister Warburton(:
 Our little party (:
(picture I got from somebody last week)

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