Monday, January 30, 2017

Just Being A Missionary

Here is the weekly update of this little missionary (:
Teaching Kiki! She is AMAZING and we love her! She's so prepared and she let us dump the rest of her coffee into the rose plants! So fun! Kiki also helped us in another lesson, she got a priesthood blessing, helped us make a deal to which we're helping to sand cabinets and teach Garen, and she continues to learn and gain a testimony of the gospel! (:
This past week was the world wide missionary broadcast and it was SO GOOD! Really it was amazing! We learned there's changes in the missionary daily schedule and key indicators! Our schedules will still have the daily missionary things but are a little more flexible and there aren't as many key indicators. I'm excited! It's to help us use our time to best help our areas and focus on teaching people - teach repentance and baptize converts. I also saw sister Mickelson! And funny joke: how many Elders does it take to change a tire? Hahah only about two plus sister Erickson helped but there was a good bunch standing close by ready to help (;
Then guess what happened Sunday! It was one of those: 10 minutes before sacrament meeting a member of the bishopric comes over and says he has something for us.. asks if we would give a talk in church. That day. The original speaker couldn't make it. And gives us an index card with our topic. Hah. 5 minutes to prepare a talk! Ah! But you know what? The spirit was definitely with me and it was one of the best talks I've ever given (: seriously, I'm so grateful for a loving Father in Heaven who sends the Holy Ghost to help us! 
Have a fantastic week! Remember the basics! And you're never too old to learn! (:

~Sister Warburton(:
 Sanding cabinets with Kiki!
Say cheese!
How you can tell there is some kind of missionary thing going on - a line of cars all pulled through (; it's kinda funny

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