Monday, January 9, 2017

SN❄️️W! And Stayin' in Sweet Home!

Transfer calls and we are both staying in Sweet Home!
Well not too much has happened this past week but it's been freezing and it snowed! HUGE flakes of snow coming down and pelting us - they were big! It was cold but fun to be able to walk around in it (; then it rained and has been raining ever since which means super icy and no driving for us! 
Cool experience that is a little similar to President Uchtdorf's talk "fourth floor, last door" talk: we were out walking in the snow trying to contact potentials and planning to see a family we teach after we have tried everyone - well I had the horrible thought (cause our feet were freezing) to skip the last house (which was a little more distance away) and just get inside to this family's house. Hah! Well guess what! We get to the last house and they weren't the people we were looking for but when we gave her the Book of Mormon she was open to accepting it and reading it! She even said "God may have a message for me in this book" YES! And of course it was the last house we tried (;
Other exciting news was because of the weather church was cancelled. (I think this may have been the first time in my whole life!) We had our own little church meeting with the Tolman family - it was really good! (: 
Thank you for the love and support! Have an amazing week! Stay warm and dry!

~Sister Warburton(:
❄️️❄️️This is a TON of Snow for Oregon❄️️❄️️
We were actually enjoying ourselves (;

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