Saturday, January 21, 2017

Standing in Holy Places

We had a good week filled with tender mercies and making our ward mission leader proud! (He's the sweetest 90yr old man - we love him!) we've shifted our focus to visiting more less actives and are having much better success. A lot of people still have testimonies! It's so good to hear but... they are missing some of the most amazing blessings that come from actively living as a member! I really hope we will be able to help and make some kind of difference. I know I'm so grateful to have grown up going to church on Sunday with my family (: I see the blessings that come from it! 
Also! Revelation is REAL! It's so cool! On Friday I gave a training in ZTM - I prayed all throughout the week about what should be my topic and over and over again I received the answer to do it on temples. I felt and knew that this was what I needed to do a training on - a definite answer! It was awesome! It was different though because of the type of training I was giving I was basically restating the mission president's guidelines on temple attendance, how we can "stand in Holy Places" (D&C 87:8), and the blessings. And... President & Sister Tateoka decided to come to this ZTM! It all went good and they liked it (: 
Other great news: Kiki wants to be baptized!! She's the sweetest lady who's living with a member. We love Kiki! We watched the Joseph Smith movie with her Saturday, she's been reading the Book of Mormon, and she came to church yesterday and enjoyed it! We got the text from our member last night about how Kiki is asking more questions and wants to be baptized and be married in the temple! I'm SO excited to officially start teaching her!
I hope you all have an amazing week! Keep praying! Keep your faith! And keep your hope! Heavenly Father is always there and he believes in you!

~Sister Warburton(:
 Made a temple last pday out of our recycling box (: it's still in progress..
"Hope on. Journey on." ~Elder Jeffrey R Holland

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