Monday, October 30, 2017

Come What May and Love It!

I am the absolute worst about predicting for transfers! So here's what's happening for my LAST TRANSFER: I'm staying in Dayton and getting Sister Cornell! Sister Runs Through is going to Bend! This was so shocking! But she will do amazing work over in the land of Bend, Oregon! I'm grateful for and humbled by the opportunity I've had to be her first companion and introduce her to the exciting life of being a missionary! 
This past week was such a fun exciting week! We got to use Facebook! And I kinda freaked the whole time (still am)! I'm able to get on but to use it strictly for missionary work here in Dayton. It's been busy! We met some really cool people and set up lessons for this week! I'm excited for the work here and to be able to finish my mission here! I LOVE this place and I love the people here! I LOVE Oregon and I'm so grateful God sent me here to serve! I was reading this talk from general conference October 2008, "Come What May, and Love It" it was so good! "every life has peaks and shadows and times when it seems that the birds don’t sing and bells don’t ring. Yet in spite of discouragement and adversity, those who are happiest seem to have a way of learning from difficult times, becoming stronger, wiser, and happier as a result." There are so many inspirational things from this talk including a part that talks about learning to laugh! A ton of the best memories come from something crazy, awkward, or silly happening that could go either negative or positive but what makes it such a good memory are the laughs! We had a few of those this last week (; It's because of the gospel that I feel I can feel happy! A positive attitude and the eternal perspective of God's plan for us helps carry us through those difficult times. I'm grateful for this knowledge of the plan of salvation and Christ's Atonement. It's because of Him I find peace through trials. I'm able to grow and become stronger because of Him. I know that He lives and because He does we have happiness and hope! 
I love you all! Thank you for the love and support! Getting on Facebook, I got to see a brief glimpse of that support and love! I had no idea anyone read my emails/blog posts! Thank you! Happy Halloween tomorrow!!

~Sister Warburton(:
"Come What May and Love It"
 Ended up joining a birthday party! 
 Facebook! It's been a while..
 Look who surprised me!! One Year after his baptism - it was so cool to see you Phil!
Sweet Wheels! 

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