Monday, October 9, 2017

Missionary Melody

This past week was filled with a ton of ups and downs. But what can you do but enjoy it all? (: we are doing a TON of walking since we basically don't have a car but it's also given us lots of opportunities to explore and talk with people a long the way! Here's one of the many reasons I'm so grateful to be serving in Oregon: people are so KIND! Even when they're not interested in hearing our message they are still sweet! Plus! Atleast over 50% of people wave back to us as they drive by and they see us wave to them (:
Throughout the days/weeks there are events and experiences that are high and low that are like musical notes. They come together to create a sequence of notes and become a melody. For me, that melody even with those lows create an overall happiness when I look back at the days and weeks. I'm so grateful to be serving a mission! There's this amazing quote from President Uchtdorf from a few years ago, "Sometimes in life we become so focused on the finish line that we fail to find joy in the journey... Do we listen to beautiful music waiting for the final note to fade before we allow ourselves to truly enjoy it? No. We listen and connect to the variations of melody, rhythm, and harmony throughout the composition." (October 2012 "Of Regrets and Resolutions"). I love the message of enjoying the moment and enjoying the journey! This will be something I work on these next few months and I would LOVE it if I had some support in this (: Take time to reflect and find happiness in the beauty of life God has created. Thank God for your experiences and memories! I truly am so grateful for the life God has given me and for those who are part of it! I'm grateful for those hard days so I can more fully appreciate the good! I'm so grateful for my Savior and his infinite LOVE. 
I'm grateful for your love and support! I love you all!! 

~Sister Warburton (:
Don't forget to find joy in the journey
Picnic dinner!
Beautiful Dayton Oregon!

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