Monday, October 23, 2017

Stay Dry

We are getting poured on with rain and blessings! There were a few days of it just pouring! We got soaked! (with water) but we also got a bunch of blessings showered on us! Overall it was a fun week! But gotta watch out for those puddles.. once you're wet getting dry isn't an option for a long while! Lesson learned!
One of my most favorite things of my mission is teaching kids! We teach a ton of children and teenagers here! They continually amaze me with how much love they have for Christ and how simple life is for them. We had the primary program yesterday (best Sunday of the year!) and it's incredible the amount of spirit that was there as they sang and shared their testimonies! I love those little ones so much! We will be walking around and a lot of those we run into are the youth and children here! 
I LOVE the focus of families in the church! No family is perfect. On a mission you hear and see different trials families go through but I've also seen an increase of love and strength that comes in those families. I'm so grateful for my family! I can't begin to describe to you my love I have for those I've left behind to serve a mission but because of this time away I've felt our relationships grow stronger! I love my family so much! Both related to me and family I've gained throughout life (: Thank you for the continual love and support! Thank you for who you are and the light you share! And if anything, remember that you do matter! You are here for a purpose. Heavenly Father has a plan for you, He loves you! And I LOVE YOU!

~Sister Warburton (:
 Sopping wet!
Pancake dinner with our sisters!

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