Monday, November 6, 2017

November Colors

Aww wow what a week! The chilliness is definitely coming and with the change in time it gets a lot darker a lot earlier! But we're surviving (: 
"How far is Heaven?​
​​​​​It’s not very far.​
​​​​​When you live close to God,​
​​​​​It’s right where you are." 
(President Thomas S Monson)
Sister Cornell made it to Dayton and she's seriously the SWEETEST! She's from American Fork, Ut. Has the best jokes and already we have a ton of fun! We've also seen some pretty awesome miracles! 
Not a super long email but I want to add my testimony of Joseph Smith and the restored gospel to the many testimonies out there. I've received a personal witness of the truth of his words and the teachings of Jesus Christ. It really brings me happiness! There is no other way to find true happiness but through the gospel of Jesus Christ and by studying the words of the prophets. One of my favorite things Joseph Smith says after the first vision is, "For I had seen a vision; I knew it, and I knew that God knew it, and I could not deny it". He went through a lot during his lifetime and his courage helps me as I'm out in the chilly weather trying to share what I know to be true! I'm so grateful for my mission and the incredible experience it's been! 
As I've been typing my testimony, I've felt overcome with an incredible love for this experience, for the people I've met, for the many testimonies I've seen and heard, and for the love of the Savior. The church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is Christ's church on the earth today. I know He lives and continues to lead and guide us! 
I'm so grateful for the love and support each week! Thank you so much! 
I love you!!

~Sister Warburton (:
Smile! Why? Because you're alive!
 It's November!!
 Life is good!
"Team work makes the dream work!" #DreamTeam 

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