Monday, July 24, 2017

Special Moments

Looking back on this week, it was filled with moments when the work is hard but.. we saw glimpses of the the incredible progress the Lord is doing. It's amazing! And I'm so blessed to be part of it (: 
We've recently been working with the nephew of our investigator Shawna. His name is Chris and he's had a rough few years but has an incredible desire to turn his life around and become a better man for his family. It's amazing to see the changes already - oh my goodness! It's been really special (:
There's another family we're trying to teach - they're awesome! The father has this incredible spirit and desire to follow God's path. We've had really cool discussions with him and he quotes from the Book of Mormon! It's insane. He hasn't read it, we keep encouraging him to read it and pray about it, but really!
Another special moment for me this past week was we had a lesson set up with a couple, Cindy and Ron but fifteen minutes before they call to reschedule. Hah. I wasn't going to take not seeing them for another week again so they at least let us come and say hi. They've been so busy but we told them about downloading the Book of Mormon and listening to it. Ron was so excited! He also asked a question about baptism that was difficult for me to answer but I tried. I'm still not completely confident in my teaching but Ron told me that I am a good teacher, not just from what I say but he sees it in my face. He says I glow when I teach and I'm sincere. Aww! 
We also taught Timmy! Martha's oldest son about baptism and he told us about his favorite story in the Book of Mormon - Lehi's dream. He's so excited about being baptized and he's such a special boy! Seriously incredible the amount of love this boy has for God and his family!
I love being a missionary! I love this gospel!
I'm so grateful for all of you! I love you!
Happy Pioneer Day!!

~Sister Warburton(:
 Jammin' the car
Hey Oregon! We're Missionaries!
When the comps steal your iPad.. 50+ of this... gotta love those faces (;

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