Monday, June 26, 2017

Transfers ~ Crazy Transfers

I'm learning as I go throughout my mission that I really NEVER know what to expect to happen in life. Especially when it comes to transfers! Results are.... Sister Elizondo is being transferred to Woodburn for her last six weeks! Then Sister Phelon and I are staying and getting a new missionary! We're training! Crazy right? But I'm excited (: 
It's been a long, fun, hot week! Lots of sun and lots of waiting (mostly in anticipation for transfer calls). We had a "Meet the Mormons" movie night for people in the branch to come and invite their friends! I love that movie and the excitement I feel of sharing the gospel and being part of this incredible work as I watch it! (:
Cutest thing about this small town: we see these cute old man in the morning riding around on their motorized wheel chairs and they have these flags on the back of them. This morning as we were leaving to go shopping I said Hi to one as he was riding by and he honked his cute horn "beep beep" and waved and smiled back! It made my day!
I wish I could describe all the incredible experiences that happen each week! All the things I learn from the scriptures and the knowledge I gain! Even as a missionary I have questions about the gospel and the things I've grown up knowing but there have been so MANY times when these questions are answered through the scriptures! It grows my testimony every single time and I'm in awe of the power and mercy God shows us! I'm so grateful for the scriptures! They are the word of God and a way for God to speak to us! Please read the scriptures and seek to hear what God is trying to tell you! It's a power I can't completely explain but have experienced (:
"Behold, I say unto you that whoso believeth in Christ, doubting nothing, whatsoever he shall ask the Father in the name of Christ it shall be granted him; and this promise is unto all, even unto the ends of the earth." (Mormon 9:21) I know this promise is true!
I LOVE you all! Hope you have an incredible and cool week! (:

~Sister Warburton(:
We're training a new missionary!!
Weekly planning ~ got us going crazy
Meet the Mormons Movie night!
Lee and Louise! They're the cutest!

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