Monday, June 19, 2017

Justin is BAPTIZED!!

Getting ready for this event this past week has been amazing! Ah! Justin is incredible! He's got to be one of God's chosen elect for this time. I'm SO grateful to have been part of this and been able to teach him (: Justin was brought into the gospel and taught the lessons because he was surrounded by amazing friends who were incredible examples to him. They were all part of his baptism and it was so special! President and Sister Tateoka surprised us and came! We also had the stake president there and a bishop from another ward whose sons were his friends and a ton of support from the YSA! (He was baptized into the YSA branch) AND we got to go to the YSA (young single adult) branch on Sunday to watch him get confirmed!! I can't completely describe my excitement for Justin and the amazing things he will do! He looked so happy! And just so full of the spirit. Again, I can't express how grateful and excited I am for him! (:
It's been a crazy transfer! At the beginning it was tough being transferred after transferred from places that felt like home. I still miss each place and the friends/family I've made there (North Marion, Sweet Home, The Grand Sheramina). Change and I don't go together very well! But the Lord knew that each change would make me stronger. When I came here, I had no idea how much spiritual growth was coming and that I would get to be part of some of the most incredible experiences of seeing the change of the Gospel in those we've taught and loved! Last week, we had interviews with the mission president. He noticed that change in me and commented that I looked happy (: My biggest desire is to become the person my Heavenly Father wants me to be and I feel like I've come closer to being that person. I'm still not perfect! I continually strive to use Christ's Atonement and make myself better each day. I'm SO grateful for the gospel and the opportunity I have to learn and grow in it! Thank you for your love and prayers!
I love you!! Have an amazing week! (: 
"Try a little harder to be a little better" (Gordon B Hinckley)

~Sister Warburton(:
Trying to be as cool as my companions (;
Celebratory Cheer

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