Monday, March 6, 2017

Book of Mormon Testimony

There were so many good things and lessons this past week! We had the spirit with us and guiding us! Which means we're doing something right (: 
So this huge and exciting event happened to me this past week: I finished the Book of Mormon! Yep! I can say with full confidence that God answers prayers (: The day after I finished the Book of Mormon, I had my personal scriptures on my lap and this time my answer came to me with this deep sense of love for them. I can't fully describe the feelings that come when you receive an answer to the Book of Mormon promise but I know it comes from God. I was reading the testimonies of the prophet and witnesses in the beginning of the Book of Mormon and wanted to write my own to keep in my personal scriptures. Here's what I wrote:
I, Marie, having been born of goodly parents make a record of my testimony and special witness that Jesus is the Living Christ, the Son of God, and the Savior of the world. I know by witness of the Holy Spirit that the words and stories contained in the Book of Mormon are true! And that the fullness of the Gospel has been restored. I know with a surety that Christ lives, "and now, after the many testimonies which have been given of Him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: that He lives!" (D&C 76:22) I know there is a loving God, our Heavenly Father, and he cares about us. That through Christ's Atonement we can return. 
I testify, The Gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith. The doctrines, principles, and knowledge taught in the Gospel changes lives. It has blessed my life. I am given strength through my faith, a strong spark of hope, and a greater understanding of who I am and the love the Savior has for me. I know these things are true with all my heart. In the sacred name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I would LOVE to hear your testimonies of the Book of Mormon or even your favorite scriptures (:
Hope you all have an amazing week! I love you!

~Sister Warburton(:
Someone left toaster strudel on our car!

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