Monday, March 27, 2017

Happy Spring 🐾

Oregon is BEAUTIFUL during the spring! There are blossoms everywhere! I love it here so much! (: This past week was good! It seems like with the sunny days it brings out all the super nice awesome people! Example: There's this guy who was walking his dog, we stopped and talked with him for a good while. It was cool to tell him about Joseph Smith and also converse about how good God is - he had to pause for a second and was just "wow" could tell he was feeling the spirit in that moment! 
We also had zone conference! Mostly on lesson planning - maybe it'll really help me become a better teacher (: I still have a lot of weaknesses but it's not a bad thing. I have faith God will help me and make me better than I am right now. We also talked about success - the love I receive and give to others is the real success of a mission!
Other cool stories: there's a family we're teaching with the cutest but crazy kids (; the oldest who's 8 has been reading a Book of Mormon stories we gave her and surprised us by reciting the whole first chapter on "how we got the Book of Mormon" it was AWESOME! She had memorized it! She's also keeping a list of words she doesn't understand to ask us (:
It's amazing the LOVE I feel for these families! There's another couple we visit and they are so funny! And cute! He's less active and she's not a member but it's cool to teach them each time based on questions that pop up. Last night we showed them pictures of temples! (It came up after she asked about cow statues in our churches? Not sure where that's found but we explained about oxen in the temple and the 12 tribes of Israel and then about temple work!) I love those two so much!
Also guess what! General conference is coming up!! Email me and tell me your thoughts and some of your favorite talks! It's cool that for each person there's something that sticks out and really touches you. You never really know what could be said that will make a difference in your life!
I hope you have an amazing week!! I love you and thank you for the prayers and support! It truly makes a difference (:

~Sister Warburton(:
 Pday: Bowling with the Pros
"Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are ​​​called​ to the work" (D&C 4:3)
Sweet Home Sunset

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