Monday, March 13, 2017

Hey Family/Friends!

Sometimes I feel like it would be easier to write a lesson than try to describe how our week went (; it didn't feel like we did much this week - rejections was a little tough but as I read back on the week it's actually still been a good week (: we have fun and there still are laughs! We've done a ton of walking and there's been a ton of rain (there were 5 whole days of no sun and just wet! Both misty and pouring rain) but eventually the sun came out! It was like happiness shining down on us! Seriously though, just like the Saviors love! (:
Here's a cool story: late Wednesday night we got an online referral to visit this lady and see her the next day... we learned a family (members) were traveling home from Oregon and had prayed to find someone who desperately needed the gospel. While at a bus stop they saw this lady (Neeta) and her son there waiting - Neeta was the answer to their prayers. They sent us Neeta's address and we went to see her. After talking to Neeta, she's been through a lot and recently had to relocate to sweet home. She told us on her way here, while waiting for the bus it was then this family approached her and her son and took them out to eat and they all really connected. Neeta was so touched by this family. She accepted to let someone (us) from the church come see her and it was really sweet for me to hear the love and care this family showed this lady and her son. God answers prayers! (:
We also had stake conference yesterday and they actually changed the stake presidency here in the Lebanon Oregon Stake. Two Elders of the seventy came and they explained the process of how a new stake president is selected and given the priesthood keys for that calling - pretty cool! The entire meeting was incredible! We got to sing in the choir and it was incredible to hear the testimonies of men who are dedicated to serving. 
I hope you all have an amazing week! Happy Birthday to the most AMAZING MOM! I love you!
Ps. I just learned we can check our emails throughout the week! Still can't reply back until Monday but I'll be able to read them anytime (:

~Sister Warburton(:
Port-a-potty joke! Whenever we're out and need to use the bathroom we find these things (but we NEVER would actually use one)

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