Monday, March 20, 2017


This seems to be the theme from the last couple of weeks! And it's the BEST! The basic lesson learned from the life of Christ is to love and serve one another. I read a story in a talk by James E Faust about how a group of religion instructors were taking a class on the life of the Savior and when it came down to taking the final test there was a note that said it had been switched to a different building but the timer had already begun so these religion instructors ran across campus to get to their final. Placed strategically along the way there was a little girl crying of a flat bike tire, an old man hobbling and dropping books on the way to the library, and another man in some kind of distress. When the instructors reached the place where the note indicated the final would be, there was the professor who told them they all failed. They had learned and studied a great deal of the life of the Savior and his parables but didn't apply his teachings by helping the little girl crying or the man struggling to walk and carry books or the last man in obvious distress (Search me, O God, and know my Heart). I'm hoping  this will help me recognize the needs of another and create an instinct to help/serve. (:
Service has been my favorite part of my mission (if anybody ever asks ;) it's those times I feel the most love and it becomes deeper than just teaching. I know I'm doing the right thing for the right reason and creating good! It just feels right (: There was someone who gave us awesome advice for when we go home from our mission: the best way to keep the spirit with you is when you're giving of yourself. "whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it" (Mark 8:35). And the best 6 words of advice given to any missionary or person: "Forget yourself and go to work"
This past week we helped Lisa dig a fire Pit! We got dirty and smelly and it was fun! (: She even found me a little Ernie toy! (funny joke: she has boy nicknames for each of the sisters and mine is 'Burt' so we joke that my next companion will have a last name similar to Ernie so we  can be Burt and Ernie!) right now we're Burt and Erick (Warburton&Erickson). We also had exchanges where I went to Albany with S Powell! Everything fell through but I really enjoyed meeting different people from another area and getting to practice a few teaching skills I wanted to work on (: 
Hope you all have an amazing week!! Happy spring!

~Sister Warburton(:
 Burt and Ernie!
 Exchanges (:
Typical (;

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