Monday, August 29, 2016

Watch out Oregon! I've started driving!

Yes! I've started driving in my area this week and it makes me so happy!(: I've missed it so much and it feels a little more normal to be driving again - I just need to work on getting my driving skills back(;
It's been a super busy week! We had zone conference in Salem on Thursday And it was really awesome! I love president and sister Tateoka - after lunch and between meetings (which were super good!) they had us play badminton to wake us up and then used it to connect to working with our companions and the spirit in missionary work. It was silly and fun! and spiritual!
We also had exchanges this week and I took over the area! It went pretty good and we watched "on the Lords Errand" with Phil that day! I love Thomas S Monson so much! And know he is a Prophet of God! So excited for conference - 1 more month!!
Also guess what! I had to give a talk in church yesterday. Hahah (still not my favorite;) We were asked on Thursday and that night I had a little mini freak out for Sister Mickelson but I wrote it out the next morning - about developing a testimony in the Book of Mormon and on Sunday it went pretty good!
Hope you all have a good week! Keep praying! I love you!
Ps. We have transfer calls this Saturday!
Don't worry mom we were parked when we took the pictures(: 
 The day I started driving!
Exchanges with the cutest STL's

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