Monday, August 8, 2016


Sunday's fast and testimony meeting was amazing! Phil, who we're
teaching and who is investigating the church got up and bore a little
testimony about how he started paying his tithing and because he did
he is doing better financially. It SHOCKED us when he stood up to go
to the front and speak! Ah! He's more of a quiet person but he got up
and spoke in front of everyone. It was so great and we were so
excited! He's gaining a testimony!! Then the family that we go over to
help and teach a ton (I think I've mentioned them before) who a lot of
the kids have some kind of mental/health problems and hasn't all been
to church in a long time. Well, they were ALL there at testimony
meeting! Oh my goodness! One daughter who hasn't made the best choices
and was recently in a really bad car accident went up and in short
version bore her testimony on how God was watching out for her. Then
her daughter bore her testimony about family, and then the mom/grandma
went up too! We love that family! It was just so exciting to see them
Church is the best. Kat, sis Mickelson and I got to help out with the
sunbeams for third hour and Hahah! They are funny(; "you know" (said
in a 3-4 yr olds voice with attitude).
Otherwise it's been a long but good week. . . What did we even do this week?
Donald (one of our areas) had a city wide garage sale so we helped a
ton of people out getting ready for that. Visits and meetings. Being
exhausted and tired but still going strong with the Lord's strength(:
Funny moment this week: after leaving a voicemail for someone that
we're trying to help get to church, I had to seriously stop myself
from ending it "in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen" I was so close to
saying it (it was a real struggle to stop myself from saying it
because we say so many prayers throughout the day;)
Also! We are helping and teaching this one lady who already has a lot
of the same beliefs that we do (like how God, Christ, and the Holy
Ghost are three separate beings and how we should pray) It's amazing
how smart and prepared she is to receive this gospel!
And guess what! Today for Pday we went to Silverfalls(: I love this
beautiful place so much! We went with the Woodburn sisters and all the
Spanish sisters in our zone-It was so fun(: it rained while we were
there! And was absolutely beautiful!
I love this planet!(:
"all things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth, and all things
that are upon the face of it, yea, and its motion, yea, and also all
the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there is
a Supreme Creator." -Alma 30:44
Hope you all have an amazing week!

~Sister Warburton

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