Monday, September 4, 2017


How is it September?! How does time go by like this?
This past week was filled with the spirit! It was incredible (: We had a lesson with Bri - super cool YSA investigator who went to Iceland over the summer with a friend and went to church there, recognized the spirit, and is now taking lessons from us! She's so sweet and we had a lesson on faith from Alma 32 outside of this ice cream place in McMinnville. After the lesson, a lady came up and told us she had been listening in on part of the conversation and that it had made her day! (We were talking about patience and faith) it's really cool to be a missionary and know that this is what I do - we share the gospel, talk about uplifting spiritual things, and help others grow their faith in Christ. 
There are so many depressing things in the world! For example, Saturday night we were talking with a rough crowd of people - it was very depressing their view of life. Sister Lamb and I tried our best to bring some light into their lives and tell them there is a source of hope, there is a God who cares and there is a reason they are alive. They couldn't see the good we were trying to explain and it was hard to leave and not see any changes after trying to share truth with them. Sunday was fast and testimony meeting and it really helped to uplift! The message of the gospel is of light and hope! The Holy Ghost testifies of the truth found here and the doctrines of the church. Also, the spirit really does guide and teach (: we were asked right before sacrament meeting to teach Sunday school class for YSA. Hah. We were reading the lesson as we were teaching cause there was no time to prepare! I was kinda really not ready to do this, to lead a discussion to a pretty good size class filled with people more experienced than me.. but it was amazing! The lesson was really guided and we had a ton of help! I'm so grateful to be serving where I am (: 
I love you all! Hope you have an incredible week! Stay safe!

~Sister Warburton (:
 Meet Mark! (The frog) He started in the MTC over a year ago and has been all over from Idaho, Washington, and Oregon! Passed from one missionary to another and now he's made it to Dayton Oregon! Let's hope he likes it here (:
Zone conference! Love these sisters!

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