Monday, September 25, 2017

On Feet 👣

I'm an official trainer! Training Sister Runs Through, she is from St George, Utah! (Her name is Native American from a tribe, Assiniboine from Montana) And she came out so prepared to serve! She was ready to get to work and is absolutely excited to be here! 
We found out last Monday evening, president called us and asked if we would share a car between us and the YSA sisters so guess who's basically on foot! We are! It's a lot of stress but tender mercy to have such a big change happen. Walking has actually helped a ton with calming me, it's tiring but the fresh air is rejuvenating plus we've met some cool people! It's been fun showing Sister Runs Through around and sharing the missionary life with someone who's so excited to be here!
Women's conference was awesome! I loved the theme of LOVE. Can you believe general conference is this weekend?! So grateful for the words of the prophets and apostles to inspire and lift us! Watch it! 
I LOVE you all! Have an incredible week! 

~Sister Warburton (:
 View from a bridge - its becoming fall!
 Excited for the rain! Bring it on!
FIRST DAY PIC (with Sister Runs Through)

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