Monday, August 14, 2017

Dayton 1st - YSA - Yamhill

This has been the most craziest week of my mission! But it's been incredible! 
I am now in Dayton with Sister Lamb! She's from American Fork, has been out 6 weeks and is a pretty amazing missionary! I LOVE her and I LOVE it here so much already :) 
Here's the crazy stuff: we are covering the Dayton 1st ward also the McMinnville YSA (young single adult) branch AND just got the Yamhill Ward people! Including a baptism this week! WE ARE SO CRAZY BUSY! We basically cover the whole stake. It's just been so crazy! I still can't believe it all. There's no way we'd be able to do everything we've had to do without the spirit guiding us and the strength from God! 
And it's been so fun :) working with YSA is the BEST! Every Wednesday night we go on splits with them so I got to go with Melanie (RS president) and Daniel (RM) to see a few less actives in the branch from Yamhill and Carlton. While walking to one of the places I did a double look back as someone was coming out of their house, got busted with the double look by the RM and went back to talk with them (no pressure) - we got a new investigator family! 
Seriously, it's been so crazy and fun! I'm SO GRATEFUL to be serving a mission! I'm grateful for the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost and the protection it provides! I LOVE the gospel and the message I share! 
I LOVE you! Have an incredible week!

~Sister Warburton (:
Me and Sister Lamb! 

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