Monday, October 24, 2016

Phil Got Dunked~

Phil was baptized on Saturday!! And it all went so good! He had tons
of family there and a good number of the ward that came to support him
(: he was smiling the whole time and no panic attack (what he told us
when we first took him to a baptism;) really though, the spirit was
there and it was awesome!
Taking over the area and starting fresh with a new companion was one
of the hardest things ever! BUT I testify God is there for us when we
turn to him in prayer. I've been so stressed and worried to the point
of... Well I was at a pretty low point. And there is work to do but a
few amazing lessons on Wednesday sent me the message that I am not
alone and that Christ is making up for my weaknesses. We read 2 Nephi
31 with Rod and Mike - it went so GOOD! They were understanding and
seeing the seriousness of what we teach! I love those two!
Just this last week, my love for the people here has grown so much. I
can't let them down and I can't let my Heavenly Father down.
The next miracle is one of THOSE missionary stories! We were driving
around and I saw a lady sitting on her porch and had the impression to
talk to her. We park the car a little ways and walked back but she'd
gone inside. I couldn't decide whether or not to knock on her door but
sister Bailey said why not so we did. Talking to her and getting to
know her and her faith, she told us she knows God sent us to her! She
needs help with getting her house prep to move and is interested in
hearing more from us! So many good little things came from talking to
her (:
The next day something similar happened again! We went and talked with
a brother from the ward and he told us that that morning he had a
feeling that we were going to stop by and see him that day.. And here
we were! He told us this awesome story about bringing a friend to
stake conference and feeling the spirit so strongly! That helped
excite and motivate him again!
Thank you for your prayers and support! It means so much! Love you!

~Sister Warburton(:
 Phil's baptism
with Sis. Bailey

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