Monday, October 3, 2016

He First Loved Us!

This past week was a mess! But! There is still something good that
comes out of each week. Oma Sigrid is officially cancer free and is
officially investigating! She watched all sessions of conference and
we even watched the Sunday morning session with her. She really
enjoyed them and is coming to be a golden investigator(:
General conference was amazing! It was our light at the end of a dark
tunnel. So MANY good talks - one phrase that stood out to me that was
said over and over again about the Savior is "we love Him because he
first loved us". I'm learning the first great commandment of all
eternity is to love God, BUT the first and most powerful truth we know
is that He LOVES us! I love it(: Jeffrey R Holland said last
conference "That love is the foundation stone of eternity, and it
should be the foundation stone of our daily life. Indeed it is only
with that reassurance burning in our soul that we can have the
confidence to keep trying to improve, keep seeking forgiveness for our
sins, and keep extending that grace to our neighbor." Let His love be
the motivating drive in our lives. I know it's what gives me strength
each day (: and I'm incredibly grateful for His love!
Last Monday sister Mickelson received news that her grandpa has
cancer, then the next day Phil found out his mom has ALS, another lady
we are teaching has a stepmom going into surgery today, then we had a
crazy Thursday morning with Kat.. BUT we have been surrounded with
love from the ward and other missionaries! The Hermanas heart attacked
us, we received calls and were offered cookie dough from the elders,
sister M got a priesthood blessing that helped her throughout the
week, a member gave us flowers and fresh apple cider, prayers and
really, through others we have been shown of God's LOVE!
I hope you all got something awesome out of general conference!(:
Don't forget to show Love and feel of God's love for you!
Have an awesome week! Love you!
~Sister Warburton(:


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