Monday, October 10, 2016

How does the sky hold so much water?

It's officially fall here in Oregon! Fall in Oregon means: a change of
colors in the leaves, pumpkins, sweaters and raincoats, not much
different from home. And! It RAINS! A constant rain almost like a mist
~ it's calming and wet!(; the way it falls reminds me of how snow
falls in Utah, soft and light. But it's not snow, it's rain and it
just keeps coming! We've asked everyone we see how does the sky hold
so much water? They laugh and tell us it's just the beginning of what
the sky can hold(; I'm loving the rain!(:
It's been a good week! Phil had his baptismal interview and his
baptism is officially planned! Next Saturday! We had lessons with some
of the smartest and funniest kids we teach (Cruz and Alina) and they
asked for questions from the Old Testament stories that we've been
reading with them and hahah! It turned into a funny sock throwing war
between the two and then as we were leaving we saw a rainbow outside
and Alina says "let's go find the big pot of chili at the end!" Hahah!
We love those two(:
We've had some awesome perfect timing this week when visiting
different people! It's awesome being a missionary and seeing
everything the Lord does for us(: In president Nielsons talk from last
week (so good!) he says "For Latter-day Saints, Jesus Christ is joy!
That is why our missionaries leave their homes to preach His gospel.
Their goal is not to increase the number of Church members. Rather,
our missionaries teach and baptize to bring joy to the people of the
world!" I love it!
We get transfer calls this Saturday! Ah! We will see what happens!
Have an amazing week! And thanks for your prayers(:
~Sister Warburton(:
 Selfies after having a great time in the rain (:

Arctic Circle! with Heather, Amy, and Jake
 I drew a tree on a tree!
With Oma

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