Monday, July 11, 2016

New Mission President! And Some Evil Creepy Crawlers..

We got to meet our new mission president and his cute wife on Tuesday! President and sister Tateoka are farmers from Idaho and are the sweetest. We sang "called to serve" as they walked into the building and we could just feel the spirit and power they have! After the meeting and taking pictures we had a lesson with Kat! And goodness she's awesome! She's gone through so much and continues to go through so much complications but is determined to do what she can to be happy and someday go to the temple. She's getting baptized this Saturday!! *crossing fingers/praying that everything continues to go as planned and goes smoothly* and just this past two days we got two new investigators! It's been a good week(: except for - spiders. We've gotten so many in our apartment! These spiders are pretty decently sized spiders and we have spider spray but they are mean! There's been a few times we've had moments of terror when trying to get rid of them. (; 
Other fun and exciting events was Saturday was a hazelnut festival in Donald (one of our areas) and we went with a recent convert Heather - we love her so much! She's working on getting her young women medallion and going to the temple! 
Later on Saturday we had a baptism for a child of record who we've also been teaching - Claire! She turned 8 on July 7th (same birthday as an awesome sister of mine;) and we got to fill up the font for her and attend her baptism! 
Hope you all have an amazing week! And remember you are loved! Ps. The scriptures are seriously amazing! I've loved having an hour every morning for personal study and getting deep into the Book of Mormon - they really do have the answers to everything!(:
Love, Sister Warburton (:
 With President and Sister Tateoka
Zone with President and Sister Tateoka
 With Claire!
Selfie (;

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