Monday, July 25, 2016

Made it through my first full transfer! And my iPad!

It's been a good week! And I love being a missionary(: I'm starting to
see the reasons why I was sent here and am so grateful to be serving
my mission here in Oregon. God really knows everything. He knows all
of us, he knows what is best to help us, and he loves us! "He
comprehendeth all things, and all things are before him, and all
things are round about him; and he is above all things, and in all
things, and is through all things, and is round about all things; and
all things are by him, and of him, even God, forever and ever." (D&C
88:41). One of the most popular sayings I've heard since being a
missionary is "there are no coincidences" or "coincinkidinks" there's
always a reason why even if we don't know or understand. Who knows why
we do some of the crazy things we do as missionaries? But there is a
For example, all the service we've done this past week, like weeding
and cleaning, and we still teach and... We do so much and we do it not
expecting anything in return and it's great! We really do enjoy doing
service for others, especially those who are going through hard times
- like I've said before some of these people we meet and help have
gone through so much and are just incredible! This one lady we are
helping with her yard has cancer and trying to heal from surgery but
she cannot stay rested, she has to be helping or doing something.
Another lady has several kids with varying degrees of special needs
and her daughter recently got into a horrible car accident and their
house is all sorts of crazy so we've been there a lot to help.
And yeah.. I also got my iPad this week! We had trainings for them
Wednesday and we found out the mission is getting 19 new missionaries
this week. I can say I've officially been here a full transfer (6
weeks). Just a few more to go(; hahah but both me and sister Mickelson
are staying in our area which we're glad(: the ward had a Pioneer Day
BBQ Saturday night which was great! I'm still trying to remember names
and faces of everyone but still meeting new people all the time.
Missionary life is crazy(;
Hope everyone enjoys their last week of July! (Crazy!) and write me
sometime? Send your favorite scripture or quote - I would love to
~Love Sister Warburton(:
P.S.  Her address is: 3050 2nd Street, Hubbard Oregon, 97032
Sunset from Oregon - They're just as beautiful as Utah(:
Our Broccoli tree!

1 comment:

  1. So good to hear from her and know she is doing well. Love the way you present her letters and pictures in a blog!
