Monday, July 4, 2016

It's July! And it's hot!

I've had awesome Oregon weather and then this past week it got really
hot. On Monday we had zone Pday! There were about 16 companionships
and each had brought 100-200 water balloons we played games with at a
park in Keizer. It was fun to do something different and play around!
but still be missionaries(; There were even other people at the park
who weren't missionaries but joined in on the games and was interested
to learn more about us after.
Tuesday morning was really rough. Missionary work is hard and there is
no way to possibly accurately describe the feelings and everything
that goes on while being a missionary. The week before we talked
about how to become an awesome missionary who has not only sacrificed
the time and money to be here but is willing to consecrate or
completely give up our hearts and ourselves to the Lord. Sometimes
it's a struggle to completely give up our fears and to have faith.
On Wednesday president Samuelian gave me and sister Mickelson
permission and he told us to take the day to go to Silverfalls and
hike to these gorgeous waterfalls, do our personal study there, and
really listen to the spirit. I was in D&C 6 and Its so great! Verse 23
says "did I not speak peace to your mind concerning the matter? What
greater witness can you have then from God?" Then in verse 33 "fear
not to do good". The atmosphere was perfect and it helped to kinda get
out of the "world" and listen to nature and the spirit. I realized
that the feelings of being unqualified or unworthy was really coming
from the adversary (Satan). He's a butt. (Can I say that?;)
The next days were a little crazy trying to figure out exchanges
(switching companions for a full day) with our sister training leaders
but it got figured out and I had exchanges with sister summers in her
area of west Salem Saturday. We had some pretty amazing lessons. It
was a lot like my first day here because I didn't know anyone in her
area but the First Lady we went to see was amazing! She's been through
a lot but knows that God was with her and was helping her. We had a
great discussion about the bible and Book of Mormon and there was a
sister from the ward there too who was seriously great! I loved this
visit so much and I'm sorry I haven't been writing more about the
visits and lessons we've had. They've all been good (haven't had too
many) but people really do love having missionaries over and I love
learning from these people too! There are some amazing stories that
people share with us. Continue to seek God and Christ and you
experience these miracles! "We believe in a God of miracles"
missionary work is worth it! The day before we actually had an
investigator (someone who is interested in the gospel and
church) Kat call us and wanted a lesson that night and to talk about her baptism! She brought her daughter and mom who had tons of questions
and absolutely loved how the gospel has helped Kat. It was great!
Sunday was fast and testimony meeting and I loved hearing the
testimonies of the members here! Later, there was a baptism of a 8yr
old boy of the former bishop of the ward and we took our investigator
Phil (he's dads age, is super shy and has anxiety but is really sweet) to
the baptism. He's had all the lessons, comes to church every week he
can, and is so close to being baptized! There are just a few fears he
needs to overcome and we were hoping that seeing this baptism would
help him.
Each week is different and I'm continually learning and hopefully
improving on teaching and sharing the gospel. It's a struggle at times
because there really is no set way to teach or do anything. We rely
heavily on the spirit and it is really the only way we can teach is by
the spirit.

Love Sister Warburton(:                  
4th of July in St Paul
                     Exchanges with Sister McArther and Sister Summers
I got this picture from a member.  Sister Warburton and Sister Mickelson

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