Monday, July 18, 2016

Katherina's (Kat) Baptism!!!

This past week was a pretty great week and a roller coaster of missionary work! Tuesday-Wednesday we did TONS of service (and hadn't planned it very well;) we would change into service clothes to help organize/clean then change back to skirts/dresses for a lesson then change back into service clothes to do yard work then back to skirts/dresses and yeah.. It was like that for both days(; 
On Thursday I had my first interview with president and sister Tateoka! It went good and I love them! I got to kinda feel the spirit testify to me that president Tateoka is called as a mission president for this mission at this time and to be my mission president for my mission. There is so much love and excitement I feel for them right now! Also, guess what! I'm finally going to get my iPad this week!! It's amazing how much technology helps us in missionary work (we've been using my companions iPad since I've gotten here) but I'm finally going to get my own and can't imagine doing missionary work without it. There is an area book app made just for missionary work that has ALL information on it - our weekly schedule, lessons we've taught, people we're teaching, our weekly and monthly goals, it also keeps track of our progress in our goals, and is seriously great! 
Friday was zone training meeting and gosh! I LOVE being around other missionaries! Testimonies from other missionaries are the greatest! Hahah and I forget I'm a missionary(; we also spent the afternoon doing a few last minute things preparing for Kat's baptism like making the programs and having some printer issues.. It was exhausting but they turned out great(: 
Saturday was Kat's baptism! It was also her birthday! She got baptized on her birthday - how awesome is that?! She is seriously the greatest! There were so many trials and stresses that she went through this past week  before her baptism (and are still going through) where you can see Satan trying to have his say but the baptism day came! and the baptism went super well! She asked me to give the baptism talk and even that turned out pretty good! But really she was glowing! After, she and her husband went to the temple, took pictures and sent us a picture and a text about how grateful she is for the gospel and for us. We love her so much! She was confirmed Sunday(: 
We are also reminded of the little things that make our day(: the tender mercies, the little prayers answered, and the love Christ has for everyone! It's beautiful to see the change the gospel brings to a person and to see the light of Christ just radiate from them!
I hope you all have a great week full of little happy things and miracles!
Sister Warburton(:
 (Sis Mickelson, Kat!, and me:)
(Zone Training Meeting - the Keizer Zone a total of - 5 Districts - 16 Companionships - 32 missionaries = one of the biggest zones in the mission)

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