Monday, April 24, 2017

ZoOm zOoM

Ah! I'm in trouble! It feels like the weeks are flying by SO FAST! Really though. What even happened to this past week?.. (;
We had a lot of little tender mercies of being in the right place at the right time and just happened to be finding the right people - it was all so cool and proves God is helping us (:
We conquered an ant problem in our bedroom with the help of Lee - recent convert baptized in October who is pretty awesome! Seriously though! He pretty much bore his testimony about taking lessons and joining the church to someone who was hesitant to taking the lessons and now we have a time set up to go teach her!
In district meeting we sang "Search, Ponder, and Pray" in 5 different languages (Chinese, Spanish, Russian, German, and English) = so cool! I'll try sending a clip of it.
Sister Call and I are having a great time! She's the most positive person and powerful teacher and I'm so grateful to be here with her! Missions are the best time to create friendships (: 
Hope you all have an AMAZING week! Enjoy the sun and the little things that make life AMAZING! I've noticed the harder experiences I've had help me realize how grateful I am for my life! I'm so grateful for the little things that help build us up and make us better (: I love you all!

~Sister Warburton(:
Busy busy busy
Jamie's birthday party!! Cute family we teach (:
Happy Birthday this week to the BEST Mr Dude in our family! Love you Daniel! Have a FUN day!
Search, Ponder, and Pray in Chinese, Spanish, Russian, German, and English (:
(Hopefully it works!)

Monday, April 17, 2017

He Is Risen

This past week in studies, I was following the events leading up to Christ's resurrection in the order of the days when Jesus entered Jerusalem to Easter Sunday. It was cool to go day by day leading to the events of the last supper to Christ suffering for our sins to His crucifixion. The Savior suffered A LOT for us. There are times when each person goes through their own "Gethsemane" and need the comfort Christ gives. We know this peace comes from someone so filled with LOVE it chases away darkness and despair. When Christ rose from the grave, it brought hope that we will also rise - death is NOT the end. Because CHRIST LIVES! 
"Believe in Jesus Christ, that he is the Son of God, and that he was slain by the Jews, and by the power of the Father he hath risen again, whereby he hath gained the victory over the grave; and also in him is the sting of death swallowed up." Mormon 7:5
I hope you all have had a good Easter (: it's been good for me to be part of spreading the celebration of the risen Lord and be able to bear my testimony of the peace He brings! As President Monson said a few years ago:
"Our Savior lived again. The most glorious, comforting, and reassuring of all events of human history had taken place--the victory over death. The pain and agony of Gethsemane and Calvary had been wiped away. The salvation of mankind had been secured. The Fall of Adam had been reclaimed.
The empty tomb that first Easter morning was the answer to Job’s question, “If a man die, shall he live again?” To all within the sound of my voice, I declare, If a man die, he shall live again. We know, for we have the light of revealed truth." (He is Risen, April 2010 general conference). I know He lives!
Thank you so much for prayers, support, and LOVE! I'm so grateful for the family and friends I've grown up with! And I'm grateful for all the friendships I've made! I know it's because of this gospel I've been so blessed (: I LOVE YOU!!

~Sister Warburton (:
 See if you can spot the third smile (:
 We special.. (;
 HAPPY BIRTHDAY this past week to my DAD and LITTLE LOO!


Monday, April 10, 2017

The Grand Sheramina!

I've survived the week! And I love it here! (: 
Willamina Ward covers three small towns called Grand Ronde, Sheridan, and Willamina (The Grand Sheramina) close to the Oregon coast! I've noticed it's kinda combination of my last two areas - small towns, trees, hills, and awesome people! My new companion is Sister Call and oh my goodness she is AMAZING! I'm so excited to be serving here with her (: Get this: before her mission she was living with her sister who lives in Saratoga Springs! She's also served about 9 months in the Baltic Mission Russian speaking and is now here in the Oregon Salem Mission and I'm incredibly blessed to have her as a companion!
One of the hardest things about a mission is saying goodbye. My heart has grown so much and the ache of leaving each person and place is hard! But a lesson learned over and over again in the gospel is when you are willing to give up what you want most in a moment for the plan God has, He gives you so much more. It's incredible how it works! I'm able to see a few of the reasons I'm sent here and what's in store. I'm excited for the new adventure and incredibly grateful for the opportunity I have to serve!
I love you! Have an incredible week! Watch and share the new Easter video #PrinceofPeace! It's seriously one of my favorite videos since the Because of Him video (:

~Sister Warburton(:
Sister Call!
The last night in Sweet Home ❤️
MOOSE! Miss you Tolmans!
 Monmouth District ~ we are surrounded by Elders! Yikes (;

Monday, April 3, 2017


Craziest weekend of my LIFE! 
Sister Erickson is going home! And I am being transferred to Willamina! Sweet Home is getting Elders! 
This is super short cause oh my goodness there's SO MUCH TO DO! (Instead I will include Lots of pictures)
P.S. SARATOGA SPRINGS IS GETTING A TEMPLE!!!! Ah! I'm so so excited! I wish I could express the joy I had after hearing President Monson announce it!!
I lOVE this Gospel and I lOVE this work. 

~Sister Warburton(:
I'm really going to miss Sweet Home and everyone here!
 When you have two missionaries in your district going home - you ALL wear black
 Bro Palkki! BEST 90 yr old bowler and ward mission leader ever!