Monday, February 6, 2017

Fasting Miracle!

Guess what! I finally got sick (the head cold plague sweeping through Oregon) for the first time since I've left and it was pretty miserable. But here's my little miracle ~ Sunday, I woke up and had the thought that if I tried my best that day and fasted and had enough faith the Lord could take away my miserable plague! As I went through the day without eating or drinking anything, being around people, and walking a bit; My sore throat progressively got better and the pressure on my sinuses lessened! It doesn't make sense! But I was given the strength I needed to go out and even to feel better! Hoorah! It was an awesome testimony builder!
Here are some interesting/fun facts about Oregon:
There is no sales tax! so when you go to the dollar tree everything really is only a dollar!
We are not allowed to fill up our own gas in the car; it's someone's job - so when I go home I'll have to relearn how to do that (;
Oregon has the strangest street set up! Really though! It can be confusing at times.
 (The road ends but continues on the other end of town..?) 
It really does rain a TON but the winter has not been as bad as I've heard - we've seen the sun atleast a few times (;
Oregonians are nice drivers! (For the most part)
Everyone has a dog and there are cats everywhere! (Atleast here in Sweet Home)
Gardening is HUGE - I can't wait for the spring and summer again!
There are a lot of people either from Utah or have family in Utah! Its cool to relate!
Oregon drives are my favorite! Sometimes its like driving through a forest (:
I love you all! Have a GREAT week!

~Sister Warburton(:
Pday Painting
 Ducks and the river!
 Not planned Matching!
Our twinning animal scratches! (They're not bad)

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