Monday, February 13, 2017

Be Careful What You Wish For...(;

There's this thing I'm learning over and over again: God really loves his missionaries! Here's how we know - when we ask specifically for something to eat - just once (example rice or chocolate chip cookies) it is given in abundance! So short story: we've had rice for dinner the last three nights (the 2nd and 3rd night were not planned) and given chocolate chip cookies twice in one day (again the first time we asked but.. we are now expecting to have chocolate chip cookies everyday this week ;) 
Also! Funny story: I remember last week I emailed my dad asking how in the world did they do missionary work without iPads?? Specifically without the area book app (our missionary app that has everything on it). Hahah. Guess what happened this past week (; my area book app had some troubles working - for pretty much the whole week! Then there was one day both of ours wouldn't even open up to see our schedule - ah! Hahah again be careful what you ask.. (; 
Happy Valentines Day this week!!
We had zone conference this past week and have officially began the new missionary schedule which is super awesome! I love the testimony meetings at zone conferences and hearing others experiences and testimonies!..
NOTHING CAN GO WRONG when you trust in God and believe in the Atonement!
There are no mistakes in God's plan (: This piece of knowledge gives me so much comfort! It lifts a weight when repentance is in the works, it carries away grief caused by our own or others actions, it brings hope to carry on. I know Christ's Atonement is real! He suffered for us so that we wouldn't have to feel alone. Please don't ever forget this piece of knowledge!
I love you all!

~Sister Warburton(:
 Don't let the storm get you down!
All the sisters at zone conference

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