Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Love from the MTC :)

I leave for Oregon tomorrow morning!! It's so exciting and I'm so anxious but it'll all be great! Yesterday we said goodbye to my companion since the beginning - Sister Roberts - she's going home for medical reasons but she's been so strong and an inspiration for our district! We love her and her laugh (she has the best laugh ever and one of the main reasons we laughed so much;) This morning me and Sister Hart woke up super early to see Sister Tayco and Sister Wynder off. I love them so much! They're going to Federal Way, Washington and they are both so great it's impossible to describe how much I miss them already! We also saw all the Elders in our district off too - again it's impossible to describe how much I love and miss them all already! Elder Cardin is going to Federal Way, Washington too. Then Elder Tetreault, Elder Fuiava, and Elder Alba are going to Nampa, Idaho. They left about 30 minutes after the Sister and Elder Cardin and even in the last goodbyes/Handhugs we were all laughing;) Now its just me and Sister Hart (she's the best) waiting to leave to Oregon tomorrow(:

(Picure: left to right: Elder Tetreault, Elder Fuiava, Our Teacher brother Carver (he's the coolest!), (in the back) Sister Hart, Sister Wynder, Sister Tayco, Elder Alba, Then me in the front with Sister Roberts, and Elder Cardin

Everyone! I wish I could be there in person and tell you how amazing this gospel is!! The love I have for people, myself, and Christ has grown soo much! My knowledge and testimony continues to increase. The power of being a missionary is so amazing its beyond words. My MTC memories will be something I treasure forever! It's hard to pick and choose what to share each week because there's so much. We have all grown so much! The last night we (our district) were all together (sunday night) we went around and told something we've learned in the MTC, answered a question from each person, said what we would miss about each person, and shared our testimonies. I love these Elders and Sisters!
Ill send more pictures later!

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