Friday, June 3, 2016

1st Week

I finally got a letter from Marie.  :)

Hey Everyone!
Sorry I thought I would have more time Tuesday to email but it was a pretty crazy day (pretty much like everyday here ;)  But in a good way!) and still trying to figure things out. =)
This first week here has been Amazing!  I really do love it here and still can't believe I'm a missionary!  A few times I've seen two Elders or two Sisters walking by wearing their tags & I would get excited like "hey! missionaries!" (like when I saw them at home) it would make me happy then I'd remember I'm a missionary too!  I love it! =)
I'll admit the first 24 hours is not the easiest and I wonder why I am doing this but, oh my, we learn so much, feel so much, grow so much!  One day of learning feels like weeks of lessons and experiences but what we are taught and what we are teaching is amazing!  I am way out of my comfort zone and feel so inadequate but I am seriously loving the learning and growing!  This gospel is amazing and true!  There is so much I want to write and so many stories I want to tell!
So my companions are Sister Roberts and Sister Hart (we are a threesome!  both are from Arizona) and I love them! =)  There are five of us living in one room-the other companionship is Sister Tayco and Sister Wynder (both from Utah) and all of these sisters are the absolute best!  My district has us: 5 sisters and 4 Elders and just like I wrote in my journal after the 2-3rd day "My love for Christ keeps me here and my district keeps me laughing."  We laugh A LOT!  We have that one Elder who is just a goofball and somehow comes up with these perfectly timed cheesy jokes and puns.  Another has the best facial expressions and we're all just so funny! ;)  We are also all learning and growing from each other-sharing thoughts and impressions- it is so incredible!
Again, so many stories I wish I had time to write but I will give you a little of what I have loved. =)
First day with my district we talked a little bit about "desire" and I found this scripture- Alma 32:27 "Exercise a particle of faith, yea, even if ye can no more than desire to believe, let this desire work in you, even until ye believe in a manner that ye can give place for a portion of my words."  It's so simple and beautiful!  You let this good desire take place in you and use it to motivate you.  A quote by Elder Bennett of the Seventy who spoke at our Tuesday night devotional said something like: "As your knowledge about the atonement grows, your desire to teach it increases."  This is me!
I've loved learning about the gospel and the atonement and feeling an excitement to teach it!! It brings knowledge and HOPE!
I love you all!
Sister Warburton
PS  (hint, hint)  Dear Elder ( is a great place to send letters (and donuts ;)).  The letters are sent here and printed out for free and I get them the next day. =)  Also hopefully I can send pictures next week!  We have lots of pictures from one of the Elders (who is district photographer).  I just need to send them. =)

1 comment:

  1. She sounds amazing! And so happy! I'm excited for her to be the missionary so that when others see her they can say, "Hey! Missionaries!"
