Monday, June 20, 2016

Hello Oregon!

I've made it to Oregon! and it is stunning! I love and miss beautiful Utah but Oregon has taken my breath away! There are so many trees and it's SO green! I love it(: 
The first day here was amazing! We met the mission president - President Samuelian and Sister Samuelian, two of their grandkids, and also their niece. The Samuelians are seriously amazing but we don't get them for very much longer! This thursday they're going around and saying goodbyes before they leave next week and we get a new mission president. President Samuelian made our first day here in Oregon perfect! After they picked us up at the airport they took us to the Portland Temple!! It's beautiful! and was very special for us to walk around the temple and talk about the covenants we've made. We also went into the visitors center right next to the temple and talk a little about families (thats a little mean of them to do;) but it was really great! 
So one thing I didn't expect we'd get to do (especially on the first day) is to see the coast, but guess what! We took a nice 1.5 hr drive to the Oregon Coast after the temple! The drive was beautiful and the coast was amazing! We got to get out and set up chairs on the sand close by the "haystack" or "seastack" rock that signifies the theme of the Oregon Salem Mission. Helaman 5:12 and D&C 6:34 "build upon my rock". It was incredible to be there and have President and Sister Samuelian talk to us and was really just a special moment and spirit! They also gave us some time to go off on our own near the water and to "think". It was truly the best beginning to being here!
The next day I met my amazing trainer - Sister Mickelson! I love her so much and she is really just a great teacher and missionary!(: I already love my area and the ward and people! Still getting used to being out in the field and being a "real missionary" (; but I'm doing good and I love this gospel!
I hope you all have a great week! I love you!!

Love Sister Warburton
Mom's note: On Friday, a member sent me some pictures of her and her companion!  I loved them!!!

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