Monday, December 11, 2017

These Things I've Learned

Hello! Exciting news! 
This "P" day stands for Packing! Ah! The day has come and I'll be going home :) I've done a lot of pondering and Inspired by a poem President Boyd K. Packer wrote of his life, his physical and spiritual growth, from a talk given April 2013 General Conference titled "These Things I Know". I've done my own little writing and came up with...
My Mission: These Things I've learned
These are the things I've learned, experienced, and gained a testimony of being a missionary for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints: 
LOVE! How to better express and give love for those I care about. I've also learned patience, a Christlike attribute which helps me to become more like CHRIST. I've learned to LAUGH! I've learned how to BE MYSELF around strangers and have CONFIDENCE in the person God has made me. I've learned to TRUST God. His plan is better than anything I could ever try to make myself. He knows each person and their situation, he knows how to help and bless everyone who reaches out to him. I've learned MIRACLES still happen. I've also learned how to ACCEPT people, their beliefs, and their agency. I've learned what it means to have a HUMBLE HEART. I'm learning to LET GO, let go of pride, let go of hurt, let go of the world and turn to CHRIST. I've learned so much more about Jesus Christ, who He is to me and why I depend on Him. I know He is the promised Messiah, the Savior of the world. I know HE LIVES. I've learned how to read and understand the SCRIPTURES. I've even sorta learned how to TEACH them to someone! I've learned TRUTH from the Book of Mormon and had many PRAYERS answered through it. I've learned that my weaknesses, which I thought I would never be able to overcome, they can be made STRONG through the ATONEMENT of Christ and I've experienced it! I've learned I CAN do hard things! And that I can do them through GOD who STRENGTHENS me everyday. I learned I can make it through the toughest of times and it will be OKAY! I've learned to trust in God's TIMING and everything will work out in the best possible way because there's no other being who LOVES more PERFECTLY than a loving Father in Heaven and his Son. These things I've learned are making me into the person Heavenly Father would have me be and I'm so grateful for it and this incredible experience I've had to dedicate myself as a MISSIONARY to Him! I'm grateful for a loving mission president and his wife and for the many things I've learned from them! I know the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored in its fullness to the earth today. He loves and leads the church. I'm so grateful for it and my family! I testify of these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 
I LOVE you ALL!! I'll see you soon!
If anyone would like to come :) My homecoming will be this Sunday, December 17th at 11pm in Saratoga Springs, Utah with a lunch at my house after! (email for addresses or look on FB event) I'm excited to see you all!! :)

~Sister Warburton (:

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